Africa Trade Corporation Corporate Profile

When Africa Trade Corporation (ATC) approached us to develop a brochure for them, we were very excited because we have not designed a brochure for a security products provider before.

This is always interesting for a design firm as it presents an opportunity to do design work without any  skews from previous experience – the design is inspired completely from and of itself.

Speaking of inspiration, we spent hours looking at ATC’s products, attempting to establish what made these products unique and how we could show potential buyers this.

One thing that became very apparent early on was that ATC deals in quality products only. There are no poor quality products stocked by them and everything sold by ATC comes with a guarantee.

That is unique in Kenya and perhaps in East Africa – a supplier who offers you a guarantee with products? We had not heard of it before.

With that unique selling point backed by solid, quality products, we had to develop a brochure that reflected as much.

So we embarked on designing a brochure that was not squeezed and allowed the products to stand out, in their environment and on their own. We backed these powerful images up with copy that described how the products have been used all over the world. The copy also briefly covered why the products were the best in their class.

Check out the result below:




